Monday, March 24, 2014

Suggestions for home reading and writing

During this time of year, curriculum moves much more rapidly than in the beginning. I want you to be award of what your students are learning and what they should be working on to meet standards. Let's keep our expectations high and provide as much support for the students as possible. The more we practice, the better prepared for second grade they will be.

In writing, please have your student practice using the stages of the writing process in their homework. Help them to develop an appropriate topic sentence. Brainstorm with them 3 detail sentences (but have them come up with the idea so they understand what they are writing), and they should be able to come up with a WOW sentence on their own as a conclusion.

First grade is a wonderful time to see your student blossom, but it is challenging as well. Being aware of our academic student expectations will help you to provide the support necessary to create an optimal learning experience for your student. Exposure and practice are the keys both in the classroom as well as at home. :)