In math, we learned that you can reverse the addends in an addition sentence and still have the same sum. We call these “flip flops”. We are really working hard on learning these academic terms: sum, addend, addition sentence.
We also learned how to count on. This is the best and expected strategy to figure out the sum of an addition problem. Here’s what we tell the kids (so you can continue it at home as well): put the biggest number in your head and count on to find the answer. For example, 5+4=9. They put 5 in their head and count on 6, 7, 8, 9. We do not want them to count to 5 first and then on to 9 any longer. They should be starting to do this independently and the use of all fingers is discouraged.
In science, we made a hypothesis about what would happen to our different grasses if we mowed them. We did mow them and are making observations in our science notebook. We will wait about a week and see if our hypothesis was correct. We tell the kids that a hypothesis is a guess that you can check.