We learned short o, short u, c spelled c and ck (only after a short vowel), and r spelled r (no wr yet).
We also did several Writers’ Workshop lessons using ordering words (first, then, next, and last). We also did some free writings using various story starters. With writing, the more practice the kids get, the better. One really important part of becoming a good writer actually has to do with handwriting. Once the kids can form letters correctly and naturally, it doesn’t stop their train of thought when writing. We really stress correct letter formation so that they can get to this point and become successful writers. Your help on correct grip and letter formation at home is always helpful.
In math, we continue to
count tens and ones as well as learn and review addition and subtraction
strategies. Again, we discourage the use of “finger counting” at this point and
encourage the kids to use the “counting on” or “counting back” strategies
instead. As a reminder, counting on means that they put the bigger addend in
their head and count on using their fingers. Counting back is the same thing
but subtracting from the greatest number. One strategy for visualizing these
strategies is using a number line to count on or count back. Instead of putting
the number in their head, they point to it on a number line and jump up or back
as they count on or back. Have the kids be your instructor!
In science, we are
wrapping up our unit on plants and animals. The kids know the basic needs of
plants (soil, sunlight, nutrients, and water). They should know the basic plant
parts (flower, stem, leaves, roots, and seeds). They also learned the types of
teeth and how they can be clues as to what that animal eats. They learned
incisors, canines, and molars. We wrote all of these notes as well as other
plant observations in our science notebook. The kids have done a really great
job on their notebooks!