Friday, February 7, 2014

Reading strategies and information

Your first graders have worked so hard to learn all or most of the 100 high-frequency words (or sight words). As they begin to master these words and learn most of the regular phonetic sounds, it is time to read for fluency. During this time, students may often be reading books that they call "too easy" for them. Although we want to continue to challenge every first grader, they need to be reading predictable books where most of the words follow the rules. When you think that your student has mastered the book, make sure they are reading with correct intonation (for example, using expression when a character is speaking or pausing at a comma) before you move onto a more difficult book.

At this point in the year, we are discouraging "guessing" as a reading strategy. Please help your first grader to "sound out" an unfamiliar word. This helps them when spelling the word as well.

Thank you for your support at home. Being supportive in your child's education is a critical part in helping them to become a lifelong learner. Thanks!