Friday, February 21, 2014

Welcome back from break!

When we return from break, we are going to continue our hard work in reading, writing, science, and math. The first grade team (yes, the whole team) would appreciate your support in retaining high expectations for our students, both academically and behaviorally. The behavior that we have been experiencing during the last few weeks has been much worse than desired (overall). Please remind your students that we (teachers and parents) expect them to take pride in their work, work hard, and do their very best. Ask your child how the day was, what they learned, and if they did their best. Have them explain to you exactly what good behavior in school looks like. They know it, they may just need reminders! Having the children see that the school-home expectations are consistent is the best way to instill these critical practices and study habits. We have a lot to learn in the next few months to prepare for second grade and it is important to remember that good behavior and successful academics goes hand in hand. Thanks for your support, we appreciate it.